ZNU goes Zero

This year, ZNU and its partner network is writing a new chapter and giving corporate climate protection in Germany a credible, scientifically proven home. Or in one sentence: ZNU goes Zero. By 2022, the network has set itself the goal of becoming climate-neutral at all its partners' German locations. The members have committed themselves to avoid, reduce and compensate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in a step-by-step process. However, the compensation is only  effective when all available energy efficiency potentials have been exhausted: In this case, unavoidable GHG emissions are offset by climate compensation projects.


Contact persons

Leon Halfmann | Leon.Halfmann@uni-wh.de | +49 2302 926-545

Dr. Axel Kölle | Axel.Koelle@uni-wh.de | +49 2302 926-573

ZNU Future Conference

Since 2009, ZNU - Center for Sustainable Leadership has been inviting decision-makers from the FMCG industry to the ZNU Future Conference every year. Top representatives of manufacturers and retailers inform and discuss the current challenges of sustainability perceived by the FMCG industry. In industry-specific workshops the participants exchange information about trends, challenges and outlook for the future.

Contact person
Moritz Köhn | Moritz.Koehn@uni-wh.de | +49 2302 926-545
Kerstin Sloniewski | Kerstin.Sloniewski@uni-wh.de | +49 2302 926-547

ZNU Professional Education

We inspire people for sustainably successful business and enable them to shape and lead sustainable change in their company from within. Since 2009, we have trained more than 300 specialists and managers from trade and industry on the subject of sustainability.

Contact person

Alicia Seifer | Alicia.Seifer@uni-wh.de | +49 2302 926-556

ZNU Sustainability Manager

Sustainable Leadership Training

ZNU online-Sessions

Research & Teaching

The ZNU, located at the Witten/Herdecke University, is an application-oriented research institute. Research focuses on the practicable measurement of sustainability at the company and product level. For more than ten years, the founders of ZNU have been dealing theoretically and practically with the evaluation of dynamic learning processes for "Sustainable Management". The economic core of the research is complemented in an interdisciplinary way. As an initiative of science and business, we offer topic and application-oriented teaching that systematically incorporates business personalities. For this purpose, the lecture “Sustainability at company and product level” is offered once per semester.

Contact persons

Verena Timmer | Verena.Timmer@uni-wh.de | +49 2302 926-865

Selected Publications




Learn more about research & teaching

Digital Workshop Series: Sustainability along the supply chains of spices and other plant-based raw materials

BioVal: Biodiversity Valuing & Valuation

Sustainability clustering of spices

Sustainability Assessment: SDG Evaluation of Products – SEP

Berchtesgadener Land

GIZ Compass – Self Check Sustainable Supply Chain for SMEs

The Handprint

ILoNa – Innovative Logistics for Sustainable Lifestyles

Future Meat: Sustainable Protein Sustenance in Germany

Food waste data for more sustainability in the food industry – Guideline

Efficiency Cluster Logistics Ruhr – CoReLo joint project: Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility Management in logistics networks


Due to the non-profit character of the university, fjol GmbH was founded in 2011 as a spin-off from the ZNU – Center for Sustainable Leadership of the Private Witten/Herdecke University in order to offer individual consulting for companies.

fjol aims to support organizations in the development and implementation of medium to long-term strategies using the "sustainable management" approach and to promote the dynamic learning process of "sustainability in business".